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1000 Books Before Kindergarten


1000 Books Before Kindergarten program will end July 31, 2025. Learn about other all-ages reading challenges.



Get ready for the challenge!

How do we get started?

1000 Books Before Kindergarten is free and easy. Sign up online through Beanstack or inside the library at the Kids Library desk. Next, read to your child at home, at the library, anywhere. Keep track of the books you read in Beanstack or with a paper log sheet. When you finish reading 100 books, visit the Kids Library to receive a special reward. Contact, and we will get it ready for you. Your child will continue to receive a special reward for each 100 books read.

How can I POSSIBLY read 1000 books with my child?

1000 books before kindergarten sounds like a lot. However, it’s not as hard as you think. If you read one book a day, you’ll finish 1095 books in three years. Or if you read three books a day, you’ll finish in less than a year. Finally, a newborn baby has about 2000 days before starting kindergarten.

Is this REALLY important?

Yes! Research shows that reading to your child is the most reliable predictor of school success. Reading will:

  • Teach pre-literacy skills
  • Build vocabulary
  • Foster problem-solving
  • Create bonds between child and reader
  • Encourage life long reading habits

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Frequently Ask Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?

Any child age 6 years old and under who isn't in kindergarten can join the 1000 Books challenge.

Can all of my children participate?

Yes, each child in your family who has not started kindergarten yet can participate. Read as a family. Make it more fun for everyone.

How do I get started?

Register for 1000 Books Before Kindergarten on the library’s Beanstack online resource or in person at the library.

How long will the program take?

The timing depends on how often you read together. Read what you want at your own pace.

How do I track the books read?

Record the books read to your child using your Beanstack account or a paper tracker.

Do only library books count?

No. You can read books from anywhere. This includes books your child is read to in daycare, preschool or at library storytimes.

Can I count a book more than once?

Yes. Record and count a book as many times as you read it!

Is there a prize?

Yes. Your child will receive a special reward for every 100 books read. Pick up your reward at the Kids Library desk. We can check your Beanstack log online or you can bring in paper log. The library will also host special celebrations throughout the year to celebrate accomplishments.

The educational benefits of reading 1,000 books before kindergarten are endless. Your child will build their vocabulary, cognitive skills, social skills as well as the motivation to read. Reading with your child will also build a bond and countless memories. Take every opportunity to read with them. Share songs, rhymes and stories. You can do it!

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