Great Read Alouds: Life is full of changes
Children go through many changes in their lives – trying new things, meeting new people, experiencing new emotions and so much more. I found some excellent picture books that cover a number of things kids may encounter.
Cat Knit by Jacob Grant
Cat has a great friend in Yarn. One day Girl take Yarn away, and when he returns he is not the same. Cat misses his friend! But, maybe, Cat realizes a little change isn't so bad after all. The illustrations are simple yet bold set against white pages so Cat's facial expressions are the star!
"Grant revels in Cat’s tendency toward crotchetiness (some of his grimaces could give Grumpy Cat a run for her money), and the book is equally rewarding whether readers take what Cat learns to heart or just giggle over the ups and downs of this slightly knotty friendship."--Publishers Weekly
Same Way Ben by Maryann Cocca-Leffler
Ben likes routines. He does the same things the same way at school everyday. Ben eats the same lunch, wears the same shirt and sits in the same seat. Until the day a substitute teacher takes over his class and everything changes. Will he be able to adapt to new ideas?
"Bright, cartoony drawings make the daily routine of a classroom come alive, worthily representing the center of this child's world...Young readers, including many not on the spectrum, can empathize with the character's reluctance to embrace change, so the book could be a good discussion starter. Sensitively pragmatic."― Kirkus Reviews
Hello Jimmy! by Anna Walker
Jack has a great time when he stays at his dad's house. They eat tacos and drink milkshakes. They laugh. A lot! Then Jimmy arrives. He is loud and obnoxious. Jack's dad thinks Jimmy is clever. Does Jack's dad like Jimmy better than Jack? This is a beautifully written and illustrated story about unconditional love.
"Walker's succinct, eloquent prose is enhanced by her expressive gouache-and-pencil illustrations that extend the narrative with subtle visual details....With its emphasis on the importance of connection, this touching, uplifting story will resonate with many."—Booklist