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Book Clubs


Jump to Top City Reads | Racial Justice Book Club | Talk About Literature in KS (TALK) | So Many Books | Teen BYOB Club (Bring Your Own Book) | Classics Made Modern


Book Group in a Bag The library hosts or co-sponsors a variety of book clubs for people of all reading interests. It's a great way to meet friends and enjoy an evening of book-worship or book debate. Take a look at everything we have to offer and get in touch right away! Each club has a moderator-librarian who'd be happy to get you reading and meeting up in no time.

Or if you're less of a joiner and more of an organizer, start up your own book group with our easy and convenient Book Group in a Bag service.

1. Top City Reads Together

top cityTop City Reads Together is your place to find new books, discuss what you are reading, and interact with librarians from the Topeka Library, all online!

You will find information about book discussions, reading challenges, future author visits and more.



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2. Talk About Literature in Kansas (TALK)


TALK book discussions immerse readers in captivating stories and introduce new perspectives through literature. Join discussions of great books with skilled facilitators and an open-minded, thoughtful group of readers. Sponsored by the Kansas Humanities Council. Books are available in the Topeka Room in the library.

Meeting dates: 3rd Wednesday of the Month
Time: 7-8:30pm
Location: Online or in-person – Register for Zoom link
Contact: Elizabeth Tschetter | |785-580-4476


3. So Many Books

so many books

Always wanted to join a book group, but never made the time? If you want to read well-crafted, contemporary, literary works and discuss them with interested readers, then this book group is for you! Everyone is welcome and books are provided.

Meeting dates: usually the 4th Sunday of the month, email for the schedule
Time: 3-4:30pm
Location: Zoom
Contact: Deb Ellerbrook | 785-580-4632 |


4. Classics Made Modern

Classics Made ModernThe Classics Made Modern book group meets virtually on Zoom. Read classics in the public domain – all choices available as ebooks and audiobooks. Discuss how the book remains modern and relevant. Share enriching conversation with other interested readers. Join our Facebook group.

Meeting dates: Once every four weeks on Wednesdays, 2-3 pm.
Location: Zoom and Facebook group
Upcoming Books Schedule
Contact: Lissa Staley at


5. Teen BYOB Club (Bring Your Own Book)

Spend an hour digging into what you're reading and what your peers are reading! Build your reading list and decide what you just HAVE to read next. P.S. There will be snacks.

Meeting dates: second Friday of the month | 3-4pm
Location: The Edge

Tagged with:  book clubs |  racial justice book club |  talk about literature in kansas |  top city reads together |  so many books |  what does the fox read |  classics made modern |  words do well: a shakespeare group
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