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kids playing March 21, 2025 · Sherry Hess Early learning tip: Play is skill building There is so much more to a child playing than fun. Young children learn essential social, emotional & cognitive skills while they play. dad reading to daughters March 21, 2025 · Debbie Updegraff Great Read Alouds: Life is full of changes Discover colorful and entertaining books to help kids through the changes they encounter. cartoon books with emotions February 25, 2025 · Marlana Hodgkinson Kid Tested Librarian Recommended: Graphic novel mash-ups Delve into middle grade graphic novels that blend two captivating genres – fantasy meets mystery, magical realism intertwines with historical fiction, and fantasy collides with realistic fiction. reading together February 11, 2025 · Jacee Gleason Great Read Alouds: Spread the love Smile with heartwarming stories that inspire young readers to share love, care for others and build lasting friendships. Perfect for spreading joy and empathy! book covers January 16, 2025 · Arion Beals Kid Tested, Librarian Recommended: Characters we love Uncover chapter books with beloved characters who transition from the shared world of picture books and early readers to the more independent realm. grandma reading to grandchild January 10, 2025 · Luanne Webb Great Read Alouds: Talking to kids about homelessness & food insecurity Explore kids books about homelessness, food insecurity and helping people. These books can help you start a conversation with your child about these tough issues. girl reading by Christmas tree December 19, 2024 · Emily Bays Kid Tested, Librarian Approved: Christmas Together Emily recommends chapter books, with main characters who find out that what you do on Christmas is less important than who you spend it with. Check out these heartwarming adventures. girl and boy smiling in leaves November 26, 2024 · Debbie Reiff Great Read Alouds: Everyday Thankfulness Discover picture books that will help instill an attitude of gratitude in your child. kid frowning at food November 12, 2024 · Sherry Hess Winning strategies for your picky eater Caring for a young child often feels like a never-ending food adventure. This journey can become frustrating & confusing if your child refuses to eat or only wants cheese. We've got tips to help. reading laughing girls November 8, 2024 · Rachael Schmidtlein Kid Tested, Librarian Recommended: Brothers & Sisters Check out amazing middle grade books about awesome siblings. reading in Halloween costumes October 15, 2024 · Rain Schultz-Pruner Great Read Alouds: Friendly monsters & ghosts Unearth monsters, ghosts, pumpkins, witches, ghouls and lots of fun with excellent Halloween booooooooooks! boy playing in field October 3, 2024 · Sherry Hess The power of outdoor play: Boosting mental & physical health Outdoor play is essential for a child's healthy development, especially in the early years. It offers unique experiences and learning opportunities, sparking creativity, critical thinking and endless fun. girl reading with a dragon October 2, 2024 · Arion Beals Kid Tested, Librarian Recommended: Dragons Embark on a magical journey with fantastical dragon books that will keep young readers enthralled. books and pint glass September 23, 2024 · Ginger Park Fall Reading Challenge Read three books in October and win a wicked cool collectible pint glass! This reading challenge is for all ages. architectual drawning of Kids Library campground area September 19, 2024 · Ginger Park Kids Library redesign Construction will start soon to renovate the Kids Library. Learn where to find kids materials and events while work is in progress. girl playing with blocks September 6, 2024 · Sherry Hess Block play builds foundation for STEM Learn about the value of block play and opportunities to explore blocks with Parents as Teachers during BLOCK Fest. muddy girls playing August 15, 2024 · Sherry Hess Kids love learning through messy play Messy play engages a child’s natural sense of curiosity and teaches them skills like problem solving. family camping July 23, 2024 · Sherry Hess 6 Helpful tips for camping with kids kids in animal costumes July 19, 2024 · Debbie Updegraff Great Read Alouds: You want WHAT for a pet?! Debbie's spotted a pack of picture books about rather unusual pets. Let your kids dream up what else could make an interesting pet. dad daughter reading June 27, 2024 · Sherry Hess Start reading early to avoid the summer slide Summer is the perfect time to encourage kids to read and it keeps a child from losing ground. Let’s build a love for reading in young children by creating a habit that incorporates summertime reading. bee on milkweed June 20, 2024 · Kim Sain Kansas pollinators help our gardens grow & so much more Birds, bees, butterflies, moths and other insects such as beetles and wasps are important pollinators that serve critical roles in maintaining quality ecosystems. dad and daughter reading under a blanket June 19, 2024 · Luanne Webb Great Read Alouds: Adventure Awaits! Books provide wonderful getaways even for the youngest travelers. happy girl June 7, 2024 · Marlana Hodgkinson Kid Tested, Librarian Recommended: Tantalizing summer stories Summer is an excellent time to pick an amazing book and READ! Books are a great way to Relax and Enjoy a story, to go on an Adventure or to Discover something new. kids running outside May 23, 2024 · Sherry Hess 12 fun & easy ideas to get kids active Active kids are healthier kids. Find ideas to make physical activity fun and a regular part of life.
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