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Community Resources

Walk-In assistance from community organizations

community navigatorClick the title of each group to see upcoming events when they are providing individual walk-in assistance at the library!

Community Navigator - Community Navigator volunteers through United Way of Kaw Valley will help clients to prepare paperwork, gather documentation, access community resources that might benefit and/or support their needs.

TRIO Educational Opportunity Center - Discuss FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), career exploration and school selection with TRIO Educational Opportunity Center advisor Melody Lawrence.

Community Action staff provide information, answer questions, make referrals, & offer personalized support to individuals seeking support & services from Community Action & other local resources.



211 - 988 - 911

Community Resources Online and at Other Locations

Community Resource & Referral Sources

  • old ladyApply online for LIEAP Energy Assistance Benefits between November 18, 2024, and March 31, 2025, at 5 p.m. Create a self-service portal​ account if you have a new email address, or reset your password using your existing email address.  "Apply for Assistance" to start a LIEAP application.  Use the library’s Level 2 Tech Center computers and scanners to complete the application online. Make sure to bring proof of income for all adults in the household and your most recent heating fuel bill.  Attend one of the upcoming LIEAP application events at the library if you need in person assistance from DCF staff.
  • United Way 211 - Dial 211 from any phone to speak with a referral specialist 24 hours a day about community resources and any service needs you may have. Available in English and Spanish. 211
  • Topeka Resource Checklist Updated April 2023
  • 2023 CRC Resource Directory - The Community Resource Directory is a cumulative list of more than 700 different agencies and social service programs throughout Jackson, Jefferson, and Shawnee County, as well as Veteran Resources.

    Services are listed ranging from general and adult services, children, youth and family services, senior citizens services, mental health, and substance abuse services, medical services, food & clothing banks & hot meals, and support groups. 

Resources for Food and Assistance

Applications for Low Income Assistance Programs
COVID-19 Resources

Mental Health Crisis Lines

  • Shawnee County Mental Health Crisis Line Valeo
    (ages 18+)
    Open 24/7 1-785-234-3300
  • Shawnee County Mental Health Crisis Line FSGC
    (17 & under)
    Open 24/7 1-785-232-5005

Eviction Prevention

Housing and Credit Counseling Inc - 800-383-0217 and  785-234-0217

Kansas Legal Services Individuals seeking legal assistance must first apply. You can apply for legal assistance by filling out the Online Application or by phone 1-800-723-6953.

Internet Resources and WiFi Access

WiFi Access in the library's parking lot, community centers and other locations

Apply for Lifeline, a federal program that lowers the monthly cost of phone or internet service. A consumer can qualify for the Lifeline benefit if their income is 135% or less than the federal poverty guidelines, or if they participate in SNAP, Medicaid, or other federal programs.

If you are approved, search by your zipcode to choose a company in our area that offers Lifeline services. 

Cox and AT&T offer several low-cost internet plans for qualifying customers who meet requirements.

Tax Forms and Assistance

Tax Forms and Assistance links to local resources and state/federal forms. City of Topeka Property Tax Rebate program those 65 years of age and older.

Spanish Language Local Resources


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