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Fill your brain with random trivia! We feature a new trivia question in each edition of the library email newsletter. See the most recent questions and answers below.

If you just can’t get enough trivia, form a team of family, friends or coworkers and sign up for the library’s popular quarterly Library Trivia: Evening Edition or Afternoon Edition.

If you want to organize your own trivia night, check out our free How to Trivia at Your Event guide, written by our Trivia Night experts!



April 1, 2025

Q. On April 1, 1997, which two TV game show hosts swapped shows as an April Fools' Day joke?
A. Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak and Jeopardy host Alex Trebek

March 18, 2025

Q. What is the first rap group who won a Grammy Award?
A. DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince won the Best Rap Performance award in 1989 for their song Parents Just Don't Understand.

March 4, 2025

Q. How many shapes of pasta can you buy?
A. At least 350

February 18, 2025

Q. Which member of the Beach Boys actually surfed?
A. Dennis Wilson

February 4, 2025

spder crab illustrationQ. How long are a Japanese spider crab's legs?
A. 13 feet

January 21, 2025

Q. What is the real name of the rapper known as Snoop Dogg?
A. Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr.

January 7, 2025

woodpeckerQ. How fast does a woodpecker peck?
A. Up to 25 pecks per second



December 17, 2024

Q. How long does it take to grow a pineapple?
A. 18 months - 3 years. Pineapples have long been part of holiday traditions symbolizing hospitality and generosity.

SlothDecember 3, 2024

Q. How long does it take a sloth to digest food?
A. Between 11 and 30 days

November 19, 2024

Q. Why is it not safe to eat raw lima beans?

A. Raw lima beans contain a compound called linamarin, which turns into cyanide when consumed. Learn more.

November 5, 2024

Q. How far away can a human smell a skunk spray?

A. At least 1.5 miles


October 22, 2024

Q. What is the most stolen food in the world?

A. Cheese

October 8, 2024

batsQ. How do bats give birth?

A. Bat moms give birth upside down! While the pups use their big feet to scramble onto mom’s belly, mom helps by cradling the pup in her wings and tail. Another interesting fact – at birth bats are 1/3 the size of adult bats.

September 24, 2024

Q. How many peanuts does it take to make a 12oz jar of peanut butter?

A. Approximately 540

September 10, 2024

Q. How long is an African Elephant's trunk?

A. 7 feet. Check out this booklist for great reads about pets you are more likely to have.


August 20, 2024

Q. How long is the current longest commercial flight?

A. Almost 18 hours. Singapore Airlines flight from Singapore to New York City is 17 hours and 50 minutes. Explore books on vacations gone wrong.

August 6, 2024

Q. In late 2012 a grey and white cat named Tardar Sauce become an internet sensation because of her expression. What nickname did everyone know her by?

A. Grumpy Cat

July 23, 2024

Trivia Q. What band was the first to play on all 7 continents?

Trivia A. Metallica set the World Record for playing on all 7 continents when they played in Antarctica in 2013.

July 9, 2024

Trivia Q. How many species of bears exist?

Trivia A. 8 - See all the bears. Check out some reads set in bear habitats.


June 18, 2024

Trivia Q. Which one of the following flowers are NOT edible? Pansy, Rose or Iris

Trivia A. Iris | Learn more about edible flowers.

June 4, 2024

Trivia Q. The creator of Wonder Woman, William Moulton Marston, designed what law enforcement device related to Wonder Woman's lasso? 

Trivia A. Lie detector

May 21, 2024

Trivia Q. What is the real name for a hashtag?

Trivia A. octothorpe

May 7, 2024

Trivia Q. What was Buzz Lightyear's original name?

Trivia A. Lunar Larry

April 23, 2024

Trivia Q: What do you call the fear of other people's opinions?

Trivia A: Allodoxaphobia

April 9, 2024

Trivia Q: What is the only planet that spins clockwise?

Trivia A: Venus

March 26, 2024

blue macawsTrivia Q: What do you call a group of parrots?

Trivia A: a pandemonium

March 12, 2024

Trivia Q: What two states don't have daylight savings time?

Trivia A: Arizona and Hawaii

February 27, 2024

guinea pigsTrivia Q: Why is it illegal in Switzerland to own just one guinea pig or one parrot?

Trivia A: The reason for this Swiss law is that guinea pigs and parrots are social species, and they are considered victims of abuse if they aren’t able to regularly interact with others of their species.

February 13, 2024

Library of CongressTrivia Q: What U.S. City has the world's second largest library?

Trivia A: Washington D.C. is home to the Library of Congress, which is second to the British Library for the number of materials in a library.

Photo: Library of Congress ("Congressional Library Building"), Washington, D.C. View of stair hall; Creator(s): Smithmeyer & Pelz, architect; 1888 Sept.

January 30, 2024

Trivia Q. What is the name for the language of flowers, which gives meaning to the type of flower given to someone?

Trivia A. Floriography

January 16, 2024

Trivia Q. What year did Facebook launch?

Trivia A. 2004 - Feb 4, 2004

January 2, 2024

Trivia Q. Which Pokémon was created first?

Trivia A. Rhydon



Library Trivia: Evening Edition & Afternoon Edition

Upcoming Trivia Events

The library hosts trivia weekends quarterly. Find the upcoming trivia events.

Library Trivia: Evening Edition
Friday | 6:30 – 9pm | Marvin Auditorium

Library Trivia: Afternoon Edition
Saturday | 3 – 5:30pm | Marvin Auditorium

Enter as a team of 5-8 people working together to answer 100 questions from 10 categories. Prizes will be awarded to the top teams!

Please register for a team table. Team captains should organize their team of 5-8 people. If you are an individual or a pair of people who are looking to join a team - come to the event and check in with the event staff - we will help you find a team to join!

Email your questions, suggestions or comments.

How to Trivia at Your Event

What is Library Trivia?

Library Trivia is an event where teams compete against each other in answering questions from various topics to win prizes. Library Trivia can be adapted as a fun free event or a successful fundraiser.

How to facilitate a trivia event in your community

This family event is formatted so that all ages will enjoy participating and will actually assist their older or younger team members with their unique knowledge of all things trivial. Community members choose their own teams of 5 to 8 people, who can range from family members to coworkers to singles groups. From working together on tough questions to joking with other teams, team members bond with each other and other teams to create a fun, stimulating environment filled with friendly competition. Everyone has fun at Trivia!

DIY Trivia Night Instruction Guide

We’ve done the prep work so that you don’t have to!

Sample forms and question files can be sent to you electronically so that you can more easily adjust them to suit your own needs. The DIY instructions include ideas for adapting things for your library or organization.

Why is all of this great information, including sets of question, available for free?

We’re librarians. We like to help people. And also, once we have used a round of questions at our event here in Topeka, we can’t re-use it, so we might as well share it!

NOTE: Trivia organizers will be given access to an online repository of trivia rounds. Please don’t post our question sets online, so that we can continue to share and trade them with other trivia groups.


Contact Lissa Staley at for assistance in organizing your own trivia event.

Trivia Rules

The Basics

  • Trivia features 10 rounds of 10 questions each
  • Categories may include audio or visual rounds
  • Teams are limited to 8 people. Children 5 and under are “free.”
  • The Tiebreaker
  • On the Round 1 score sheet, estimate your team’s final score out of 100. If the final scores are tied, closest estimate wins.

The Gameplay

  • The trivia host will read each question aloud twice; listen carefully and try to write down an answer after each question. All questions will be repeated one more time at the end of the round.
  • Listen for “last call” — At the end of each round, answer sheets are collected and graded. Before beginning the next round, the trivia host reviews the answers to the previous round.
  • The graders will post the scores for each round; you can track your score on your team’s score sheet.
  • Get your “drumroll” ready — The teams with the highest final scores are awarded prizes after the final round.

The Hints

  • No penalty for guessing. No partial credit.
  • Unless we say otherwise: Spelling doesn’t count, last names are okay.
  • Pass notes so other teams don’t overhear your answers.
  • Give the most commonly accepted answer to a question.

The Details

  • Don’t cheat, it ruins the fun! Put away your smartphone and use the hallway to check messages or take calls if needed.
  • All food and drink should be purchased at the Millennium Café.
  • Shhhh! Friday night and Saturday afternoon questions are identical.
  • In case we forget to mention it, you can learn trivial information by checking out books, movies and music from your library.
  • Winner photos & upcoming events:

Sample Questions

  1. What young adult novel by Markus Zusak is set in Germany during World War II and told from the point of view of Death?
    The Book Thief
  2. What food festival do the folks in Liberal, Kansas and Olney, England celebrate every year with a competitive race?
    International Pancake Day
  3. In Greek mythology who is said to have stolen fire from Zeus and given it to humankind?
  4. What specialized lymph nodes are generally removed at the same time as the tonsils?
  5. What major league baseball player was known by the nickname “Mr. October”?
    Reggie Jackson

2023 Archives

December 12, 2023

Trivia Q. What do you call a group of lemurs?

Trivia A. A conspiracy

November 28, 2023

Trivia Q. What day of the year is your shadow the longest? Trivia A. Winter Solstice

November 7, 2023

Trivia Q. How many varieties of apples are grown worldwide?

Trivia A. More than 7,500


October 24, 2023

Trivia Q. What do you call a group of jaguars?

Trivia A. A shadow

October 10, 2023

Trivia Q. In baseball the following terms are slang for what: dinger, tater, gopher, big fly, oppo taco, moon shot, dial long distance, going yard?

Trivia A. Home Run

September 26, 2023

Trivia Q. What state has only one school district?

Trivia A. Hawaii

September 12, 2023

Trivia Q. What does the designation supercentarian mean?

Trivia A. A person who has reached the age of 110

August 22, 2023

Trivia Q. Which layer of the earth's atmosphere is the very edge of space and includes where satellites orbit?

Trivia A. Exosphere

August 8, 2023

Trivia Q. What is the study of mushrooms called?

Trivia A. Mycology



July 25, 2023

Trivia Q. What country eats the most boxed macaroni and cheese?

Trivia A. Canada, our neighbors to the north eat an impressive 55 percent more Kraft Mac & Cheese – or Kraft Dinner, as they call it – annually than Americans do, according to a 2015 Global News report.

July 11, 2023

Trivia Q. Jackie Robinson broke Major League Baseball's color barrier in 1947 when he join the Brooklyn Dodgers. From what Negro League team did the Dodgers recruit Robinson?

Trivia A. The Kansas City Monarchs


June 20, 2023

Trivia Q. What do you call a group of crocodiles?

Trivia A. On land they are a bask and in water they are a float. Learn more animal fun facts in the Unexpected Friends exhibit in the Alice C. Sabatini Gallery through Aug 13, 2023.

June 6, 2023

Trivia Q. What percent of the brain is water?

Trivia A. 73%

May 23, 2023

Trivia Q. What do you call a group of Rhinoceroses?

Trivia A. A crash

May 11, 2023

Trivia Q. How many ridges are on a dime?

Trivia A. 118

April 25, 2023

Trivia Q. How far do giraffes fall at birth?

Trivia A. 5-6 feet. You can check out a Topeka Zoo passport to visit the zoo and watch giraffes.

April 11, 2023

Trivia Q. What country drinks the most tea per capita?

Trivia A. Turkey, per capita Turks drink almost 7 pounds of tea every year.

March 28, 2023

Trivia Q. What was the first basketball hoop made of? Trivia A. A peach basket

March 14, 2023

Trivia Q. Where was American cheese invented?

Trivia A. Processed cheese (American cheese) was invented in Switzerland. It was created by Waltz Gerber and Fritz Stettler in 1911 to lengthen the shelf-life before it was shipped overseas.

February 28, 2023

Trivia Q. What is unusual about one of the two lions currently at the Topeka Zoo & Conservation Center?

Trivia A. One of the two female lions, Zuri, grew a mane after the male lion of their group died in fall 2020. The two female lions are 18 year-old sisters.

February 14, 2023

Trivia Q. What do you call a group of porcupines?

Trivia A. A prickle

January 31, 2023

Trivia Q. What is oology?

Trivia A. Oology is the study of eggs.


January 17, 2023

Trivia Q. What do you call a group of unicorns?

Trivia A. A blessing. If your kids are unicorn fans bring them to our Dragons vs. Unicorns event Sun, Jan 29 | 1-3pm | Marvin Auditorium.

January 3, 2023

Trivia Q. Which U.S. president was an avid dog breeder? Trivia A. George Washington

2022 Archives

December 13, 2022

Trivia Q. What is the scientific name for a brain freeze?

Trivia A. cold neuralgia or sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia

November 29, 2022

Trivia Q. Horses are born with ____ percent of the length of their adult legs. Trivia A. 80-90 percent 

November 8, 2022

Trivia Q. On the Great British Baking Show what unconventional enclosure serves as the set? Trivia A. A tent


October 25, 2022

Trivia Q. Which NFL team is located the farthest north? Trivia A. Seattle Seahawks. You can check out many many books and videos on football. These new books caught my attention: We Are the Troopers: the Women of the Winningest Team in Pro Football History by Stephen Guinan View from the Center: My Football Life and the Rebirth of Chiefs Kingdom by Tim Grunhard  

October 11, 2022

Trivia Q. What is the rarest color of M&M? Trivia A. Brown

September 27, 2022

Trivia Q. What is measured in "Mickeys"? Trivia A. The speed of a computer mouse

September 13, 2022

Trivia Q. What sense do astronauts lose in space? Trivia A. Smell

August 23, 2022

Trivia Q. What is a tongue twister in sign language called? Trivia A. Finger fumbler. If you are interested in learning sign language we have more than 100 books and videos to help.

August 9, 2022

Trivia Q. What was the first national park? Trivia A. Yellowstone National Park

July 26, 2022

Trivia Q. Who did Taylor Swift write We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together about? Trivia A. Jake Gyllenhaal

July 12, 2022

Trivia Q. What is percentage of power outages are caused by squirrels? Trivia A. 10-20%

June 21, 2022

Trivia Q. What is the white sand on beautiful beaches? Trivia A. Parrotfish poop. The fish bite and scrape algae off of rocks and dead corals with their parrot-like beaks, grind up the inedible calcium-carbonate reef material (made mostly of coral skeletons) in their guts, and then excrete it as sand.

June 7, 2022

Trivia Q. How many thunderstorms occur in the U.S. each year? Trivia A. According to the NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory approximately 100,000 thunderstorms occur in the U.S. every year and the majority of those happen during the spring and summer.

May 24, 2022

Trivia Q. How many hearts do octopuses have? Trivia A.  Three. Learn more about octopuses in the book Octopus! The Most Mysterious Creature in the Sea, the video Octopus: Making Contact or the book Octopuses: Clever Ocean Creatures. These are just a few of many books and videos we have on octopuses.

May 10, 2022

Trivia Q. What is the most in-demand natural element in the world? Trivia A. Sand - Learn more in the book The World in a Grain by Vince Beisner.

April 26, 2022

Trivia Q. What do you call a scientist dedicated to the study of earthworms? Trivia A. Oligochaetologist


April 12, 2022

Trivia Q. What do you call a group of resting sea otters? Trivia A. A raft.

March 29, 2022

Trivia Q. In what country was the Caesar salad invented? Trivia A. Mexico by chef Caesar Cardini (probably). There is some debate whether the origin is Mexico or Italy, but a restaurant in Tijuana, Mexico, definitely played a role in the salad's popularity.

March 15, 2022

Trivia Q. The first-ever St. Patrick’s Day Parade in 1762 didn’t take place in Ireland. Where did it take place? Trivia A. The United States

March 1, 2022

Trivia Q. What is a single spaghetti noodle called? Trivia A. A spaghetto


February 15, 2022

Trivia Q. Who invented the first heart-shaped candy box? Trivia A. Richard Cadbury. Read about the history of Cadburys and chocolate in Chocolate Wars by Deborah Cadbury.

February 1, 2022

Trivia Q. In what country was German chocolate cake invented? Trivia A. United States

January 18, 2022

Trivia Q. How fast is a hummingbird's heart beat? Trivia A. According to the National Park Service their hearts can beat as fast as 1,260 beats per minute, which is the rate measured in a Blue-throated Hummingbird, or as slow as 50-180 beats per minute on a cold night when they experience torpor, a hibernation-like state.

January 4, 2022

Trivia Q. What is Mrs. Butterworth's first name? Trivia A. Joy

2021 Archives

December 14, 2021

Trivia Q. Which actor was a bodyguard for Howard Hughes? Trivia A. Wilford Brimley

November 30, 2021

Trivia Q. What was the original purpose of bubble wrap? Trivia A. 3D wallpaper

November 9, 2021

Trivia Q. What is Cookie Monster's first name? Trivia A. Sid

October 26, 2021

Trivia Q. What was Candy Corn originally called? Trivia A. Chicken Feed

October 12, 2021

Trivia Q. What is the official sport of Maryland? Trivia A. Jousting

September 28, 2021

Trivia Q. In 1927, Time Magazine named it’s first Man of the Year (now known as Person of the Year): Charles Lindbergh.  The following year, the honor went which prominent businessman, who was born in Wamego, Kansas? Trivia A. Walter Chrysler

September 14, 2021

Trivia Q. How long is a chameleon's tongue in relation to it's body? Trivia A. A chameleon's tongue is roughly twice the length of it's body.

August 31, 2021

Trivia Q. What U.S. city has three professional sports teams that all have the same colors? Trivia A. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is the only city whose professional sports teams all have the same colors. Black and gold are the colors for the Steelers (NFL), the Penguins (NHL) and the Pirates (MLB).

August 17, 2021

Trivia Q. When was the first TV commercial aired in the U.S.? Trivia A. On July 1, 1941, the L.A. Dodgers were playing the Philadelphia Phillies in New York at Ebbets Field. Those watching at home on the NBC-owned WNBT (now WNBC) saw the very first TV commercial shown in the United States.

August 3, 2021

Trivia Q. What country has the most visitors based on 2017 data? Trivia A. France has the most visitors according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization.

July 20, 2021

Trivia Q. Which came first Rolling Stone magazine, the Bob Dylan hit Like a Rolling Stone or The Temptations song Papa was a Rolling Stone? Trivia A. The Dylan song came out in 1965, two years before the magazine and seven years before The Temptations song. You can check out Dylan albums, books about DylanThe Temptations music, Mark Ribowsky's book about The Temptations and the magazine from the library.

July 6, 2021

Trivia Q. What are the only 2 countries that begin with "The"? Trivia A. The Gambia and The Bahamas formally include "The" in their names.

June 22, 2021

Trivia Q. What is the most widely spoken language in the world? Trivia A. With around 950 million native speakers and an additional 200 million people speaking Mandarin Chinese as a second language, it's the most widely spoken language in the world.

June 8, 2021

Trivia Q. What children’s nature magazine has been published by the National Wildlife Federation since 1967? Trivia A. Ranger Rick. You can check out Ranger Rick as a printed magazine or digitally with your library card. We also have the print version of Ranger Rick Jr.

May 25, 2021

Trivia Q. What are the Canary Islands named after? Trivia A. Dogs. Although it's off the coast of northwestern Africa, the archipelago is actually part of Spain. In Spanish, the area's name is Islas Canarias, which comes from the Latin phrase Canariae Insulae for "island of dogs."

May 11, 2021

Trivia Q. Where is the best place in the world to see rainbows? Trivia A. Hawaii is the best place to see rainbows according to a study published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

April 27, 2021

Trivia Q. What do you call the luminous ring that is sometimes visible around the moon? Trivia A. Broch

April 13, 2021

Trivia Q. What is the space between your eyebrows called? Trivia A. Glabella.

March 30, 2021

Trivia Q. Where was Hawaiian pizza invented? Trivia A. Ontario, Canada Check out one of our many pizza cookbooks to make your own delicious pizza.

March 16, 2021

Trivia Q. Which state capital has the smallest population? Trivia A. Montpelier, Vermont has a population of 7,500.

March 9, 2021

Trivia Q. Why is Chicago called the Windy City? Trivia A. 19th century journalists gave the city that name because its residents were "windbags" and "full of hot air." We have lots of information on Chicago if you want to learn more or visit.

March 2, 2021

Trivia Q. What country is hit with the most tornadoes per square mile? Trivia A. England. Between 1980 and 2012, England experienced 2.2 tornadoes per year per 10,000 square kilometers (3,861 square miles), which equates to one per every 4,545 square kilometers (1,754 square miles) annually. By comparison, the entire U.S. (including the non-contiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii) experienced 1.3 tornadoes annually per the same area – or one per 7,693 square kilometers (2,970 square miles).

February 23, 2021

Trivia Q. How do beavers see underwater? Trivia A. Beavers have transparent eyelids to allow them to see underwater.We have several books you can check out to learn more strange animal facts.

February 16, 2021

Trivia Q. What is the name of the patient in the game Operation? Trivia A. Cavity Sam

February 9, 2021

Trivia Q. Where to the majority of polar bears live? Trivia A. The WWF estimates that 60-80 percent of polar bears live in Canada. 

February 2, 2021

Trivia Q. Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are was originally a story about what animal? Trivia A. The story was originally about a boy in a land of wild horses. However, Sendak was also the story's illustrator and he couldn't draw horses. He could draw wild things so he changed the story.

January 26, 2021

Trivia Q. How do armadillos stay afloat when swimming? Trivia A. Armadillos swallow air to make themselves buoyant. They can hold their breath for six minutes or more. Learn more about armadillos.

January 19, 2021

Trivia Q. What are the only two countries that have purple in their flag? Trivia A. Dominica and Nicaragua are the only two countries with purple in their flags. Dominica uses purple in the flag's sisserou parrot and Nicaragua includes a purple stripe in a rainbow on the national coat of arms.

January 12, 2021

Trivia Q. What was the bet that encouraged Dr. Seuss to write Green Eggs and Ham? Trivia A. Dr. Seuss's publisher, Bennett Cerf, bet him that he couldn't write a book using 50 words or less. Green Eggs and Ham uses exactly 50 words.

January 5, 2021

Trivia Q. Where does the name for "Tic Tac" mints come from? Trivia A. According to the company, the mints are named for the sound when the little Tic Tac container is opened and closed.

2020 Archives

December 29, 2020

Trivia Q. Other than a litter, what is a group of kittens called?

Trivia A. A kindle

December 22, 2020

Trivia Q. Coca Cola is available almost everywhere. What two countries is the beverage not available?

Trivia A. Cuba and North Korea

December 15, 2020

Trivia Q. Why were candy canes invented?

Trivia A. Legend has it that candy canes were invented in 1670, when the choirmaster of the Cologne Cathedral in Germany commissioned candies shaped like a shepherd’s crook so they could be handed out to children attending the church’s crèche scene to keep them quiet.

December 1, 2020

Trivia Q. What bird has the longest migration?

Trivia A. The Arctic tern has the longest migration of any bird in the world. These black-capped, red-billed birds can fly more than 49,700 miles in a year, making a round trip between their breeding grounds in the Arctic and the Antarctic, where they spend their winters. Over its lifespan of more than 30 years, the flights can add up to the equivalent of three trips to the moon and back.

November 10, 2020

Trivia Q. How many hours a day does the average cat sleep?

Trivia A. Cats sleep 16-20 hours a day. We have more than 2,000 books, movies and even music related to cats. Calming Music for Cats is one of our favorites.

October 27, 2020

Trivia Q. This Halloween will be one of how many in the 21st Century to have a full moon?
a) 3
b) 6
c) 12
d) 16

Trivia A. This Halloween will be one of only 6 in the 21st Century to have a full moon – 2001, 2020, 2039, 2058, 2077 and 2096.

October 13, 2020

Trivia Q. What two very different movies released in 1982 started from the same script? Hint – Both were directed by the same person.

Trivia A. E.T. and Poltergeist were both directed by Steven Spielberg and started from the script Night Skies by John Sayles.

October 6, 2020

Trivia Q. How many seeds are in an average medium-sized pumpkin?
a) 275
b) 350
c) 500
d) 1,000

Trivia A. An average, medium-sized pumpkin will usually contain around 500 seeds. The best way to estimate the number of seeds in a pumpkin is to count the number of sections the pumpkin has, then multiply that number by 16.The number of seeds can vary, depending on the type of pumpkin it is and its size and weight. Pumpkin seeds are a tasty snack to some and contain rich amounts of protein and fiber. They are also good sources of zinc, manganese and iron. The only completely accurate way to determine how many seeds a pumpkin has is to cut it open and count them.

September 29, 2020

Trivia Q. What country drinks the most coffee?

Trivia A. Finland has the highest per capita coffee consumption. If you want to discover more about coffee, here are just a few of the many books you can checkout about this well-loved beverage.

September 22, 2020

Trivia Q. How many apples does it take to make 1 gallon of cider?
a) 36
b) 12
c) 25
d) 58

Trivia A. One gallon of apple cider is made from approximately 36 apples or 1/3 a bushel. Check out a cookbook to make some cider or other deliciousness with apples.

September 15, 2020

Trivia Q. Between 1912 and 1948 Olympic Medals were awarded for which activity?
a) fishing
b) art
c) farming
d) sewing

Trivia A. Art – Between 1912 and 1948 Olympic medals were awarded for painting, sculpture, architecture, literature and music, alongside those for the athletic competitions.

September 9, 2020

Trivia Q. What is the only fruit that bears its seeds on the outside? 

Trivia A. Strawberries. If you’re interested in preserving your fruit check out Put ’em Up! Fruit. The Fruit Forager’s Companion, Sweeter Off the Vine and The Seasonal Baker are just a few of the library books with great fruit recipes.

September 1, 2020

Trivia Q. What is a group of ferrets called? 

Trivia A. A group of ferrets (also known as polecats) is called a business. We have all kinds of books on animal facts if you want to learn more.

August 25, 2020

Trivia Q. How fast can bottlenose dolphins swim?  a) 11 MPH   b) 22 MPH   c) 33 MPH

Trivia A. They can swim up to 22 miles an hour. They like to surf in the waves and wakes of boats and swim through self-made bubble rings.

August 18, 2020

Trivia Q. Why was Pez originally created?

Trivia A. Pez was created in 1927 by an Austrian businessman, Eduard Haas III, to help adults quit smoking. The original flavor was peppermint. The product wasn’t successful in America so the company started making them in fruit flavors and marketing them as candy.

August 11, 2020

Trivia Q. In the U.S. in the early 1900s which term was an insult – Suffragist or Suffragette?

Trivia A. Suffragette was an insult. It was wielded by anti-suffragists in their fight to deny women in America the right to vote. Women in the U.S. gained the right to vote with the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920. Celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage by voting this November! You can register to vote at the library.

August 4, 2020

Trivia Q. Which nostril do dogs use to sniff good smells? 

Trivia A. Left nostril. Dogs normally start sniffing with their right nostril then keep it there if the smell could signal danger. They’ll shift to the left side for something pleasant like food or a mating partner.

July 28, 2020

Trivia Q. Approximately how many eggs do octopuses lay at a time?

A. 560

B. 5,600

C. 56,000

Trivia A. Octopuses lay approximately 56,000 eggs at a time. Check out a book (or a few) or DVD to learn more about these amazing creatures.

July 21, 2020

Trivia Q. What is Cap’n Crunch’s full name?

Trivia A. Horatio Magellan Crunch and his ship is the S.S. Guppy.

July 14, 2020

Trivia Q. What was the tiny front pocket in jeans designed for?

Trivia A. The tiny pocket was designed to store a pocket watch. The original jeans only had four pockets – the tiny one, plus two more on the front and just one in back.

July 7, 2020

Trivia Q. What is the only letter that isn’t in any U.S. state name?

Trivia A. Q is the only letter that’s missing.

June 30, 2020

Trivia Q. What city was the first capital of the United States under the Constitution?

Trivia A. In 1789, New York City became the first national capital of the U.S. under the Constitution.

June 23, 2020

Trivia Q. What is a group of jellyfish called?

Trivia A. Many people refer to a group of jellyfish as a bloom or swarm, but they can also be called a “smack.” Check out books on jellyfish to learn more.

June 16, 2020

Trivia Q. What do the M’s in M & M’s stand for?

Trivia A. The creators names Franklin Mars and Bruce Murrie. Learn more about chocolate history.

June 9, 2020

Trivia Q. What animals hold hands while they sleep?

Trivia A. Sea otters sometimes hold hands while they’re sleeping to keep from floating away from each other. Learn more about sea otters.

June 2, 2020

Trivia Q. What country has the unicorn as its national animal?

Trivia A. Scotland. With Scotland being famed for its love for and long history of myths and legends, it is no surprise that a fabled creature such as the unicorn is Scotland’s national animal.

May 26, 2020

Trivia Q.What company is the largest tire manufacturer?

Trivia A. Manufacturing 318 million tires each year LEGO holds the Guinness World Record for the largest tire manufacturer per year. We have more than 300 LEGO books and videos you can check out.

May 19, 2020

Trivia Q. To whom did the term freelancer originally refer?

Trivia A. According to Merriam-Webster freelancers were originally self-employed, sword-wielding mercenaries. Check out these books if you are interested in becoming a modern freelancer.

May 12, 2020

Trivia Q. What  is the longest English word with only one vowel?

Trivia A. Strengths – according to the Guinness World Records.

May 7, 2020

Trivia Q. What was the original title of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice?

Trivia A. According to the Jane Austen Society of North America the original title was First Impressions. You can check out all of Austen’s books and several movies made from her books or peruse these Austen retellings for modern twists on her classic tales.

April 28, 2020

Trivia Q. How did pound cake get its name?

Trivia A. The original recipe called for one pound each of sugar, eggs, flour and butter. We have more than 3,000 cookbooks you can peruse including more than 500 that are available digitally. Here’s a list of recommended digital cookbooks for cooking with your kids.

April 21, 2020

Trivia Q.What is the term for a mash-up of two words to form a new word (breakfast and lunch to brunch for example)?

Trivia A. Portmanteau. If you’re interested in some mash-up reads, try Marissa Myer’s Lunar Chronicles or the Pride, Prejudice and Zombies series.

April 14, 2020

Trivia Q. What do Yoda and Miss Piggy have in common?

Trivia A. They were both voiced by Frank Oz. You can check out more than 100 Muppets and Star Wars movies and books.

April 7, 2020

Trivia Q. What is the most popular cat name in Kansas?

Trivia A. Charlie is the most popular cat name in Kansas and Indiana according to Voactiv. Read this MSN article to see the most popular cat name in each state. Peruse this booklist for fabulous feline ebooks.

March 31, 2020

Trivia Q. What do sunflowers symbolize?

Trivia A. According to ProFlowers sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty and longevity. Check out these ebooks to help you grow flowers in your garden.

March 24, 2020

Trivia Q. How fast can a honey bee fly?

Trivia A. According to American Bee Journal a honey bee can fly up to 15 miles an hour. Check out an ebook or two and learn more about bees.

March 10, 2020

Boomer and Judy dressed as dinosaurs during storytime

Trivia Q. Storytellers at our library storytimes have been using the same puppet for the last 30 years. What type of creature is the puppet and what is his name?

Trivia A. Boomer the bear is the puppet who has helped with storytime and our library for the past 30 years. He was the idea of Eleanor Strecker who was the Youth Services Supervisor at that time. She considers herself Boomer’s grandma. Eleanor asked her staff to come up with a mascot puppet that did not have teeth. They chose a bear.

February 25, 2020

Trivia Q. Before rolling through all those Chipmunks movies, Jason Lee was a professional in what sport?

Trivia A. Jason Lee was a professional skateboarder before becoming an actor.

February 11, 2020

Trivia Q. The first Star Wars cereal was released in 1984. What popular character was the cereal based on?

Trivia A. C-3PO. Kelloggs released C-3POs, a honey sweetened cereal. Check out Star Wars movies and books at the library including C-3PO Does Not Like Sand!

January 28, 2020

Trivia Q. The creepy and kooky Addams Family originated as single paneled cartoons published in what long-running magazine?

Trivia A. Addams Family originated as a cartoon in The New Yorker. Check out The New Yorker online through Flipster or stop in and read a print copy.

January 7, 2020

Trivia Q. Which U.S. President is in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame?

Trivia A. Defeated only once in roughly 300 matches, President Abraham Lincoln was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall Of Fame as an “Outstanding American” according to the History Channel. Check out The New Big Book of U.S. Presidents to find more fascinating presidential facts.

2019 Archives


December 17, 2019

Trivia Q. What state is home to the National Cookie Cutter Museum?

Trivia A. The National Cookie Cutter Museum is part of Joplin, Missouri’s Museum Complex with a mineral museum, a historical museum and the Merle Evans Miniature Circus. Check out this booklist of holiday cookie cookbooks or browse the cooking sections for other cookie cookbooks.

December 3, 2019

Trivia Q. What is the record for the most people balancing books on their heads at the same place and time?

Trivia A. According to Guinness World Records the record for most people balancing books on their heads at the same place and time is 998 in Sydney, Australia in 2012.

November 19, 2019

Trivia Q. What is Cookie Monster’s real name?

Trivia A. Cookie Monter’s real name is Sid according to You can check out more than 150 Sesame Street videos and books with your library card.

November 5, 2019

Trivia Q. How much is the average American consumer expected to spend this holiday season?

Trivia A. According to the National Retail Federation consumers say they will spend an average of $1,047.83 this holiday season, which is up 4 percent from 2018. Find tips on making your holiday gift giving less expensive.

October 22, 2019

Trivia Q. What presidential ghost did British Prime Minister Winston Churchill reportedly see in the White House?

Trivia A. According to, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who visited the White House more than once during World War II, told a story of emerging naked from his evening bath to find a ghostly Abraham Lincoln sitting by the fireplace in his room. To get in the Halloween spirit peruse this list of spooky reads from our Bookmark podcast.

October 8, 2019

Trivia Q. What famous author is a descendent of one women tried for witchcraft in Salem?

Trivia A. According to the Salem Witch Museum both Ralph Waldo Emerson (a fourth great-grandson) and Ray Bradbury (a seventh great-grandson) are descendants of Mary Bradbury. Mistress Bradbury was convicted and sentenced to death during the Salem Witch Trials. With the help of her many friends, and her wealth, she escaped from jail and lived as a fugitive. She remained in hiding into 1693, finally returning to her family in May of that year. She died in 1700 at the age of 85. In September of 1710, her family petitioned for a reversal of the conviction, which was granted in October of that year. Learn more about the Salem Witch Trials.

September 24, 2019

Trivia Q. What is singer Carly Simon’s connection to book publishing other than being an author?

Trivia A. Carly Simon’s father, Richard L. Simon, was the co-founder of the publishing company Simon & Schuster. Check out her memoir Boys in the Trees.

September 10, 2019

Trivia Q. What is the maximum length of a film classified as a short film?

Trivia A. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits. Check out recommended short films and take part in the Manhattan Short Film Festival at the library on Tue, Oct 1 or Fri, Oct 4.

August 20, 2019

Trivia Q. How much of the ocean is unexplored?

Trivia A. According to NOAA more than 80 percent of the ocean is unmapped, unobserved and unexplored. We’ve got lots of resources to help you learn more about the ocean.

August 6, 2019

Trivia Q. Why are spacesuits white?

Trivia A. The reason that spacesuits are white is because white reflects heat in space the same as it does here on Earth. Temperatures in direct sunlight in space can be more than 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Check out some books to learn more about astronauts.

July 23, 2019

Trivia Q. Where does the phrase “dog days of summer” come from?

Trivia A. The “dog days of summer” refer to the weeks between July 3 and August 11 and are named after the Dog Star, Sirius in the Canis Major constellation. The ancient Greeks blamed Sirius for the hot temperatures, drought, discomfort and sickness that occurred during the summer. Check out these books to learn more about constellations.

July 9, 2019

Trivia Q. Which two signers of the Declaration of Independence died on July 4?

Trivia A. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826. Author Kenneth C. Davis said, “That may be the most extraordinary coincidence in all of history. On the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the declaration … the two giants of the declaration both died…. Jefferson died first. Adams was alive, of course, in Massachusetts. He didn’t know that Jefferson had died but said, famously, perhaps apocryphally, that ‘Jefferson still lives.’ And people took that to mean his words will live forever.”

June 18, 2019

Trivia Q. Jerry Thomas is known as the father of mixology because he was the first barkeep to write a bartenders guide in 1862. This guide included the first recipes for which two drinks that are still popular today?

Trivia A. Thomas’ book The Bon Vivant’s Companion included the first recipes for the Tom Collins and the martini. His signature drink, the blue blazer, involved lighting whiskey and tossing it back and fourth between two mixing glasses. Check out other bartender’s guides to make your own drinks.

June 4, 2019

Trivia Q. How long do scientists estimate that the Apollo astronauts footprints will stay on the moon?

Trivia A. The Apollo astronauts’ footprints on the moon will probably stay there for at least 100 million years. The moon doesn’t have an atmosphere. There is no wind or water to erode or wash away the Apollo astronauts’ marks on the moon. That means their footprints, roverprints, spaceship prints, and discarded materials will stay preserved on the moon for a very long time. They won’t stay on there forever, though. The moon still a dynamic environment. It’s being constantly bombarded with “micrometeorites.” Erosion happens on the moon, just very slowly.

May 14, 2019

Trivia Q. How many pounds of lunar materials (moon rocks, core samples, pebbles, sand and dust) were brought back from the six Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972?

Trivia A. U.S. astronauts brought back 842 pounds of lunar materials from the Apollo missions. July 20, 2019 is the 50th anniversary of man walking on the moon during Apollo 11. Our Summer Reading and Events this year are all about space. The Alice C. Sabatini Summer Art Exhibit for Children, Across the Universe, is full of interesting facts and interactive projects all about space.

April 30, 2019

Trivia Q. What color was the Hulk in the first The Incredible Hulk comic book?

Trivia A. The Hulk was originally gray. Check out The Hulk and other comic books in the library or digitally.

April 16, 2019

Trivia Q. How did Pickleball get its name?

Trivia A. Joel Pritchard, one of the three dads who invented the game, had a dog named Pickles. Pickles would always chase the ball when they were playing, and that’s how Pickleball got its name. Check out these books to learn more about Pickleball.

April 2, 2019

Trivia Q. What food did BBC show being harvested in their famous 1957 April Fools’ Day prank?

Trivia A. In 1957 the BBC reported that Swiss farmers were experiencing a record spaghetti crop and showed footage of people harvesting noodles from trees. Many viewers were fooled. If you’d like to read more April Fools’ Day fun check out these books.

March 19, 2019

Trivia Q. What is the only food that never spoils?

Trivia A. Honey will never go bad on its own. However, it can go bad if it is improperly handled by the beekeeper or the consumer. Read more from Cooking Light. Checkout Cooking Light digitally or at the library. You can  check out Clean Eating, Food Network Magazine, Saveur and Taste of Home digitally through OverDrive. Through Flipster you can check out digital versions of Allrecipies, Bon Appetit, Rachael Ray Every Day and Family Circle.

March 5, 2019

Trivia Q. The flavoring vanilla comes from the pod of what flowering plant?

Trivia A. The majority of commercial vanilla beans come from the orchid Vanilla planifolia. Learn more about orchids or cooking with vanilla.

February 19, 2019

Trivia Q. Who has held the position of director of jazz at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City since 1987?

Trivia A. Trumpeter, composer and teacher Wynton Marsalis is the director of jazz at Lincoln Center and has been since 1987. Learn more about Marsalis and listen to his music.

February 5, 2019

Trivia Q. LEGO® artist Nathan Sawaya is well-known for his touring exhibit “The Art of the Brick.” What was his career before art?

Trivia A. Nathan Sawaya worked as a corporate attorney in New York City before following his dream to be an artist.

January 22, 2019

Trivia Q. What was the original name of the band Earth, Wind & Fire?

Trivia A. Earth, Wind & Fire was originally named Salty Peppers. They changed their name when they moved to Los Angeles and signed with Capitol Records in the early 1970s. You can check out Earth, Wind & Fire CDs or digital albums or autobiographies.

January 8, 2019

Trivia Q. What city has the highest annual snowfall in the world?

Trivia A. According to AccuWeather Aomori City, Japan, has this highest annual snowfall of 312 inches. If you are planning a trip to Japan, check out our guidebooks.

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