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quesitons January 29, 2025 · Ginger Park Recent library trivia winners See the teams who won September's Library Trivia – Evening Edition and Afternoon Edition. Dr. C.F. Menninger November 5, 2024 · Katie Keckeisen Freud and Friendliness: Menninger at 100 In 2025 the world-renowned Menninger Clinic will celebrate its 100th anniversary. The work of the clinic made Topeka the hub for psychiatric treatment, research and training for more than 70 years. glass November 22, 2022 · Zan Popp Melting Point Explore the work of Studio Glass artists who create colorful and intricate works. Child in library, book placed in front of him August 3, 2019 · Chris Blocker Writing for Children and Teens Uncover tips and tools to add aspects of stories you loved into your writing. Covers of four of Jennifer Brown's books--Hate List, Accidental Book Club, Bitter End, Life on Mars May 28, 2019 · Chris Blocker Investigate Paths to Publication Discover the publishing options now available thanks to changes in the industry and in the way we communicate. Image of colorful wool and mohair yarn collection. May 25, 2019 · Shari Schawo Hook Up With Knitters Uncover the many reasons to knit, places to knit and knitting resources. Unhoneymooners book cover April 26, 2019 · Miranda Ericsson Featured Author(s): Christina Lauren Christina Lauren are two best friends and writing partners. They're launching their newest book in Topeka. luella class featured 1920x500 April 26, 2019 · Sherri Camp 65th Anniversary of Brown v. Board Decision Learn about local events to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the landmark decision in desegregation. 2book topeka web header. image of dixon with a baseball cap and ball February 28, 2019 · Chris Blocker At Bat with Phil S. Dixon Learn about this baseball historian and author, and plan to meet him at the library March 12. Cover for Angie Pickman's book Merry Menagerie November 23, 2018 · Chris Blocker New Faces Right Here Meet a couple of the local authors who are new to our authors fair Great Writers Right Here. NaNoWriMo 2014 display - photo by Michael Perkins October 18, 2018 · Lissa Staley How to Write a Novel in 30 Days Learn about NaNoWriMo tools and resources to help you write a novel in November. August 27, 2018 · Miranda Ericsson Explore Kansas Nooks & Crannies Let your curiosity guide you to unexpected locations in Kansas. June 15, 2018 · Miranda Ericsson Featured Author: Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg Learn about Mirriam-Goldberg's novel about self-discovery, music and food, and upcoming events. June 15, 2018 · James Mosher Soprano Lillian Sengpiehl Learn more about the Topeka native and nationally renowned opera and Broadway singer who performed July 8, 2018 at the library. May 24, 2018 · Lissa Staley The Science of Sound Learn the science behind how different musical instruments make sound. February 26, 2018 · Miranda Ericsson Explore Your World with Poetry Discover Poet Laureate of Kansas Kevin Rabas' thoughts on how poetry can help us appreciate our world. February 12, 2018 · Miranda Ericsson New Life for Poetry in Slams Spoken word poetry and poetry slams are breathing new life into the poetry scene, and reaching a new audience. January 30, 2018 · Deborah Bryan Learning Together Discover library learning circles that give you an opportunity to take a free online class with a group. Placeholder - No Image Available October 10, 2017 · Kelli Smith Silents in the Cathedral 20th Anniversary Experience silent films with live music and sound effects at Silents in the Cathedral on Friday, Oct 27 at Grace Episcopal Cathedral. September 29, 2017 · Ginger Park Tune into a community treasure Enjoy the reboot of a library program that’s been running for more than 40 years, Music for a Sunday Afternoon. Placeholder - No Image Available February 6, 2017 · Miranda Ericsson Louise Krug on Memoir Memoirist Louise Krug teaches you how to capture your own story at a special hands-on workshop <b>6:30 p.m. Mon. Feb. 13</b>. hannah-vertical-for-web September 14, 2016 · Mark Rustman The Magical Flute There will be some very magical flute playing going on live at the library on October 2nd at 3:00 PM. Music for a Sunday Afternoon will present Hannah Porter Occeña in Marvin Auditorium. Hannah's brilliantly beautiful playing will make you happy. Placeholder - No Image Available June 23, 2016 · Natalie Moreland Opera for Kids Opera for kids? Absolutely. Indian dancer, child coloring, Fokloric dancer April 21, 2016 · Natalie Moreland Día: Let's get to know each other With music and dancing, crafts and games, stories and free books for kids (while supplies last), a day at Día is a chance to see the amazing variety of cultures in our community and to learn about someone different from you.
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