Kid Tested Librarian, Approved: Get outdoors
Whether you're planning a family vacation or just looking to curb your children’s complaints that “I’m bored,” playing outdoors can be the perfect answer. Check out these library books full of fun ideas.
How to Camp Like a Pro by Jeff Burlingame

How to Canoe or Kayak Like a Pro by Ashley P. Watson Norris

101 Cool Pool Games for Children by Kim Rodomista

Run, Jump, Hide, Slide, Splash by Joe Rhatigan

There are games requiring no supplies at all to games that need certain supplies. Each game is clearly labeled for the number of players, supplies, where you should play and the main point of the game. If you're looking for a certain group size or game type, there is a handy index to help you narrow down your options. This book would be very helpful for a summer party, family reunion or any gathering of friends.