Library & library services closed Mon, Jan 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Library & library services closed Mon, Jan 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Learn More

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Facilities Master Plan


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Facilities Master Plan


The Facilities Master Plan process, summarized in this document, has:

  1. Assessed the current physical condition of the building.
  2. Made recommendations for a timeline for significant repairs and replacements (major maintenance) with the intention to prevent significant failures that could negatively impact library services or cause further damage to the building.
  3. Examined current and anticipated space needs in the building, identifying opportunities to better leverage space utilization for the benefit of patrons.
  4. Developed a series of building alterations which can be implemented in prioritized, coordinated phases to address space needs and new Library programs.
  5. Provided anticipated project costs to allow coordinated, advance planning to fund both major maintenance and building renovation projects.


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