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Father and daughter talking Father and daughter talking

3 Tips to Help You Be a Happier Parent

Father and daughter talkingMany of us question our parenting skills and styles from time to time. Am I too strict? Am I attentive enough? Sometimes parenting leaves us all with doubts. I came upon mindful parenting and it clicked as a way to help me be the kind of parent I want to be. Bringing mindfulness to parenting allows us to thoughtfully respond to our child’s actions and behaviors versus reacting to our emotions. In our busy world it is easy to respond on “autopilot.” It takes effort and practice to step back and slow down.

Tips for Mindful Parenting

  1. Be present - focus on right now, let go of the past
  2. Be intentional - don't let emotions rule your actions
  3. Listen - Your goal is to be compassionate, accepting and non-judgmental while you listen to your child's viewpoint.

Really listen with your full attention to what your child is saying. Be aware of your feelings to help you regulate your emotions. Stress is contagious. Data shows that the greatest source of childhood stress is parental stress. Take a minute to think before you act or react.

This is not so easy when you are in the middle of a crowded grocery store after a long day with a toddler throwing a tantrum. We all know parenting includes stressful and frustrating situations. Kids know how to push your buttons.

Boy covering eyes with handsWhen moments are stressing you out, practice mindfulness techniques to help you regain some calm and control. The first step is to stop. Pause. Wait a few moments. Take a deep breath and repeat. Ideally breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Notice your body begin to relax. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions. Now you can respond to the situation in a calmer, clearer and less reactive way. Consider how your calm response will help your child calm down. Your child will feel secure knowing you are in control. The end result is fostering an environment where your child thrives.
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