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Chris Crutcher comes to TSCPL

Chris Crutcher, celebrated teen author, visited Topeka during Teen Read Week 2011. In a partnership with Highland Park High School and Shawnee Heights High School, Chris was able to visit Highland Park and the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library.

All the sophomores in USD501 are reading Crutcher's book, Ironman, so meeting the author of this book was a highlight. One of the students from Capital City said, "This is the best thing that has happened to me today, no, seeing Chris Crutcher is the best thing that has happened to me all year."

The honor students from Royal Valley High School were super-excited to get their pictures taken with Chris and hoped they would get invited to come back next year. It's always great to see teens excited about reading and even more excited to see their favorite authors.

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