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Friends Board of Directors




Ruth Nelson


John Conlee

Robin Sweeney

Robin Sweeney


Marty Hillard



Genevieve Akins

Genevieve Akins

Carol Ball

Carol Ball


Chuck Knapp


Carolyn Little


Ashlee Spring


Karen Sutton


Nancy Tate


Jim Wilson


Frank Yeoman


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Become a Board Member

About the Friends

For more than 50 years, the Friends of the Library have strived to achieve a singular goal: Aid the library by staying on the cutting edge of technology, services and programs that promote lifelong learning. Since 1971, the Friends have donated more than $1.9 million to the library.

The Friends are not a small organization. We have evolved into three lines of business:

  • The Chandler Booktique
  • Online Sales
  • Book and Media Sales

The Friends is a membership organization. We want mass numbers of our community to join and advocate for our wonderful library.

The Friends board is a working board. This means that members are expected to serve on at least two committees and help at the sales. Board members serve a three year term and are eligible to sign on for a second term. After two terms, the member must take a year before attempting to re-join. This ensures a fresh perspective and the opportunity to benefit from new expertise.

How to apply to become a board member
Fill out and return the application

Applications may be turned in any time of year. The Nominating Committee submits a slate of nominees to be voted on by the Friends membership. Occasionally vacancies are available to be filled mid-year. Otherwise, below is the timeline for the process:

  • Sept 10 - All applications due for the following year
  • Sept 11-30 - Members of the nominating committee will contact applicants to interview and answer questions.
  • October - Applicants to be nominated will receive an invitation to the Annual meeting the first Sunday in November.
  • Second Tuesday in November - New Friends board members are invited to the regular Friends Board meeting
  • December - New board member orientation
  • Board meetings are the second Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November at 4pm.


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