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The Bookmark S4E2: Reading slump part 1

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When no book is quite right for you and you stare off into space when you want to be reading, you know you're in a slump. We've all been there. Nothing sounds remotely good or holds your interest beyond the opening pages. Sometimes you know the book is really good, but you just can't get into it. Let's talk about it because you are NOT alone. The pandemic has impacted our reading and that's okay.

When Autumn finds herself turning on the TV, she knows she's in a reading slump. This time to get out of it she started reading nonfiction. Autumn found some relief in self-help books. Miranda quotes Kafka, "axe on the frozen sea" to get through her slump. She searched for gut-punch kind of books. Chris is watching TV he laid down back in the '90s. He's also watching Anime and is looking for recommendations. Chris can always rely on his need to read the books for the Booker Award. We'll soon do an entire episode on the Booker Season.

This is only part one of our reading slump discussion. Pick our conversation back up next week!

Books we discussed in this episode


What’s Next?

The next episode of The Bookmark drops Sept 26!

Meet your Hosts

Autumn Friedli, Chris Blocker and Miranda Ericsson relish talking books with recurring readers and special guests from the library and community in The Bookmark.

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