The Bookmark S4E11: True crime reads
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Library cataloging paraprofessional Alex Henault talks about true crime books including local crime in the book Bitter Harvest by Ann Rule. Autumn read some of the court documents for the events that took place in this book because she previously worked for the Kansas State Law Library. Listen in for our conversation about the appeal of true crime. People commonly attempt to solve cold cases through personal sleuthing and there are several true crime podcasts dedicated to such things. Lay people are able to investigate things officials may not have had the time or resources to before they became cold cases.
Alex enjoys reading a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction. Her favorite genres include Victorian mysteries, medical histories and all things World War I. When not working or reading, Alex enjoys spending time with her husband, playing with her cats and sleuthing like Columbo.
Books we discussed in this episode
What’s Next?
The next episode of The Bookmark drops Nov 28!
Meet your Hosts
Autumn Friedli, Chris Blocker and Miranda Ericsson relish talking books with recurring readers and special guests from the library and community in The Bookmark.
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