Bookmobiles and Learn & Play Bus will be closed for regular maintenance Aug 26 - Sept 2. Library & library services will be closed for Labor Day, Mon, Sept 2.

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Toddler hiding his face behind his mother's feet. Toddler hiding his face behind his mother's feet.

Savor the moment with your toddler

Toddler hiding his face behind his mother's feet.The best parenting advice I ever received may be “enjoy them while they’re young.” When you’re a parent with a toddler wrapped around your leg, that’s hard to think about. Your thinking about your picky eater, sleepless nights and blow-out diapers. In that moment I didn’t think what I was experiencing would be gone. But those years were gone in what seemed like a blink of an eye. Truly those moments go way too quickly! I did realize every stage brings wonder and awe to life. The advice I give parents is “savor each moment.”

Tips for savoring the moment

In our fast-paced world with same day delivery, it is even more important to savor each moment. Life with kids is full of great moments – the laughter and delight of catching a firefly, a snuggle and a hug before bed, and one more piggyback ride. Every day as a parent, you have a choice on where to focus. Here are some tips to help you savor each wonderful moment.

  • parents cuddling toddlerEngage with your child. No matter their age, do something they love or find a common interest.
  • Acknowledge “lasts.” Remember the last baby bottle or the last day of kindergarten.
  • Live in the moment. “This” is the moment that is important.
  • Take photos and video. They are priceless treasures.
  • Really play together.
  • Don’t rush time. Your child will walk. He will stop wearing diapers.
  • Be intentional. Schedule movie nights, game nights and activities with the purpose of deepening the connection with your child.
  • Handle your relationship with care. It is not about your child’s accolades, it is about your child.
  • Use your time wisely. Make time for what matters.
  • Accept snuggles and kisses and ask for more.
  • Focus on your family.
  • Say "I love you" as many times as you remember.
  • Don’t over schedule.
  • Be present physically and emotionally.
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