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Now Is the Time to Gear Up for Fabulous Spring Gardening

It’s coming! The weather can’t seem to make up its mind, ice and snow one day, warmth and sunshine the next, but spring is on the way and if you’re a gardener, you probably can’t wait.

The hardest thing may be waiting for the soil to get warm and dry enough to work with. This is so important, nearly every gardening expert mentions it. Margaret Roach, gardener, author and A Way to Garden blogger said “don’t rush ... don’t walk or work in soggy soil, or trod on sodden or frozen lawns unnecessarily. Love your soil and protect it.”

In our USDA Hardiness 6a zone the last frost is forecast for late April. The daylight length calendar predicts more than 12 ½ hours of daylight by the end of March.

Spring Gardening Chores You Can Start Now

  • Prepare - finish up seed catalog orders, get gardening tools in order, wash empty pots, start seeds indoors for cool weather vegetables and flowers, start a gardening diary or journal
  • Prune - cut back grasses, prune trees and shrubs, prune roses, cut back fruit canes, trim dead perennial foliage
  • Clean and tidy - remove dead leaves and weeds, pull dead annuals, remove winter mulch, clean bird boxes, resurface paths

Another way to get ready for the gardening season is to check out the webinars offered by Shawnee County Extension Master Gardeners. These classes offer expert and up-to-date information along with time for questions and answers. Here's the line-up this spring:

  • Right Plant, Right Place - Tue, March 16 | 2-3pm
  • Plant Maintenance - Tue, March 23 | 2-3pm

While the classes are free, registration is required by 4 pm the day before the program.

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