Later this year you'll have more space to enjoy coffee and a snack, visit with friends and relax with a book. Here's a sneak peek at upcoming library improvements and details on changes that have already happened.
Movies & Music Lounge

The room that previously held new books, music and movies is transforming to the Movies & Music Lounge. Right now the movies and music are being moved to the center of the room to give us space for remodeling. Contractors are extending the cafe flooring into the west side of this room and we'll add more tables and chairs. We're also adding some comfortable seating for visiting, reading or relaxing.

Please excuse us if the space feels a little extra cozy while we work to improve the room. By the end of the year the lounge should be complete giving us all an open and comfortable space to find tunes and great films, relax, read, and enjoy cafe deliciousness.
Books all together

This week we moved the new books out of the room next to the Cafe and into the Team Rooms area. Now all the adult books (excluding large print & bestseller express) are in the north end of the library! New books are in the center, nonfiction in the west wing, and fiction, audiobook CDs, biographies, history, Spanish and travel in the east wing.