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Money for college or technical school

Consider the many paths you can take beyond high school education, whether you are interested in a career and a technical education certification program, a community college program for an associate degree, or a four-year bachelor's degree.

Complete the FAFSA

Smiling woman with eyeglasses using laptop at home.The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) determines your federal financial aid eligibility, such as grants, loans and work study. Complete the FAFSA application online for the upcoming academic year that begins in the fall. Check with your intended schools for priority deadlines in completing your FAFSA, usually February or March. On Tuesdays, 1-6 pm, CoLab E in the Level 2 Tech Center staff from TRIO Educational Opportunity Center are available to discuss FAFSA, career exploration and school selection. TRIO Educational Opportunity Center advisor Melody Lawrence is also available by appointment.

Research options for paying for school

Scholarships, grants, financial aid, tuition reimbursement, savings and loans are some ways to pay for advanced education and training.

Consult with counselors at the high school you last attended.

Consult with counselors at the schools you want to attend.

Explore job-based scholarship or tuition reimbursement opportunities.

Consult with your current employer for opportunities. Stormont Vail and Security Benefit are two Topeka employers who offer tuition reimbursement.

Explore local scholarships that may be awarded only to local applicants.

Graduation cap university or college degree on US dollars The Topeka Community Foundation hosts several local scholarship funds. The upcoming annual deadline for application is February 5, 2024. High school counselors often share scholarship opportunities, applications and deadlines with interested or eligible students.

Explore national scholarships and opportunities.

At the library search Grants to Individuals (in-library use only) from Candid. Get detailed information on more than 10,000 foundations that give grants or scholarships to individuals.

Consider the impact of school loans on your future.

Use personal consumer finance information to compare loan options and impacts.
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