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Get Ready for Spring!

It is winter, but the days are growing longer and warmer.  Crocus blooms and temperate weather lead to thoughts of clearing the home of the remains of winter.  Where to start?

Martha Stewart has written a guide that will help prepare you not only for spring cleaning but everything required to run a clean and efficient household.  The book is Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Handbook: The Essential Guide for Caring for Everything in Your Home This book is located in the Home Neighborhood, with other useful books on the same subject.  Stewart’s useful handbook tells the reader what they need to know to start, run, and maintain a household.  Do you want to know how to store knives?  Mend a ripped seam?  Keep track of warranties?  Keep bouquets fresh?  Find the best tools for keeping everything in your house clean?  All of this and much, much more is in this guide.

Stewart starts off with an explanation on how to use her book, and she moves to a tutorial on cleaning products.  She follows this advice with checklists for what cleaning should be done on a daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal basis with two extra checklists for spring and fall cleaning.  The rest of the book is packed with information and advice on how to complete these checklists.   She includes step-by-step instructions illustrated with photographs to assist you in whatever you are cleaning, repairing, or maintaining.

So to answer the question of where to start, start with Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping  Handbook.

Photo Credits

The Gardeners
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