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Call for 3D art entries in Topeka Competition 34

Mona CliffThe Topeka Competition celebrates national artists working in three-dimensional media. It offers a unique opportunity within a public library setting to showcase the newest, most innovative work in contemporary arts and crafts. Our juror is Mona Cliff who is known for artworks concerning her personal history and heritage. The Topeka Competition is partially funded by the Friends of the Library. Read on for the details and process for submitting artwork.

3D artwork make of beads

Mona Cliff, Conjured Typography (detail), 2022. 109” x 20” x 5”

Exhibit Information

Exhibit dates: March 14 – May 11, 2025

Works must be three-dimensional and include an artist statement about the piece. Artworks will be judged on:

  • Originality
  • Technical excellence
  • Artistic concept

Eligible artists

Anyone 18 years of age or older currently residing in the United States.

Eligible media

Three-dimensional work in any medium is eligible. No two-dimensional work will be accepted. Work must be created between 2020 and 2024. Work previously exhibited in the Alice C. Sabatini Gallery is not eligible. Call Sherry Best, art collection curator, at 785-580-4516 or email with questions.

Entry fee

A $35 non-refundable fee for up to three works. 

Entry format

All entries and fees will be processed through CaFÉ.com. Do not send your entry to the Sabatini Gallery. 

Artist's statement

Please include a brief statement about your entry.

CaFÉ Entry deadline

Dec 3, 2024

Accepted works

Notification of acceptance

Artists will be notified by email by Jan 20, 2025, if their work has been accepted.

Conditions of acceptance

Accepted works may not be removed from the exhibition before the end of the exhibit. Works must be received for exhibition to be eligible for awards. If an accepted work is found to have been misrepresented, it may be disqualified. The Sabatini Gallery reserves the right to photograph and reproduce any submitted work for publicity or educational purposes. The Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library will retain submitted images of accepted entries as part of its permanent records.

Size restrictions

Any piece over 50 lbs or 8’ x 3’ x 3’ (HWD) dimensions will be accepted only if the artist is able to install the work between March 5 and March 11, 2025. Suspended works must weigh less than 40 pounds. Call 785-580-4516 for questions or appointment.

Shipment and delivery

All work must arrive between Feb 1 and Feb 23, 2025. Artists are responsible for covering the shipping and insuring cost to the Sabatini Gallery. Return shipping will be covered by the Sabatini Gallery up to $50. Shipping cartons must be substantial and reusable, no Styrofoam packing peanuts. Late or damaged work will not be exhibited.

Delivery and shipping address:

Topeka Competition 34
Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library
Alice C. Sabatini Gallery
1515 SW 10th Ave
Topeka, KS 66604-1374 

Return of work

Hand-delivered work must be picked up between May 13 and May 18, 2025. Shipped works will be returned beginning the week of May 13. Nothing may be shipped COD.


All accepted entries are covered by the Sabatini Gallery's insurance while on site until May 18, 2025. The Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library will not insure nor be responsible for any works left after May 18, 2025.


Juror's Awards will be named by the juror and announced at the Artists and Awards reception. Purchase Awards will be named by the Alice C. Sabatini Gallery and will become part of the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library’s permanent art collection.


The Sabatini Gallery encourages potential buyers to contact the artist directly. Neither the Alice C. Sabatini Gallery nor the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library receive any commission on sales.

Dates to remember

  • Café Entry deadline: Dec 3, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: Jan 20, 2025
  • Delivery of artworks: Feb 1 – 23, 2025
  • Exhibit dates: March 14 – May 11, 2025
  • Artists and Awards Reception: Saturday, March 15, 2 – 4 pm
  • Return shipping: work will be shipped the week of May 13, 2025
  • Pickup for delivered works: May 13 – 18, 2025                                    
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