Be part of the Great Backyard Bird Count

How to be a bird counter

The GBBC is a collaborative project of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, National Audubon Society and Birds Canada. By participating and submitting your accurate observations you’ll contribute to a global database that helps researchers more fully understand bird populations. Register to attend the GBBC's free webinar to learn more.
Improve your bird ID skills
If you want to improve your bird identification skills, explore the library’s Science and Nature Neighborhood to study the bird species you may encounter in our area during winter. Cornell Lab’s is another popular, easy-to-use resource featuring photos, range maps, bird vocalizations and each species' intriguing behaviors.
Feeding birds

Photo of male and female cardinals courtesy of Lok52.
February is also National Bird Feeding Month! To attract a variety of bird species to your yard before the GBBC begins, set up and maintain a clean bird feeder and offer quality seeds. Keep a fresh water source for all of your bird visitors to enjoy now and year round.
Recent studies show some of our common native bird species are experiencing steep population declines and habitat loss. Consider helping birds and other pollinators naturally by incorporating beneficial native plants and trees into your yard this spring.
Happy birding!