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BBW Take 3 BBW Take 3

Celebrate Your Right To Read

BBW Take 3

Banned Books Week: 9/28/15-10/2/15

Reading a book can take you away from your current life, help you imagine, and even put you in the shoes of a character or situation you might not ever be exposed to otherwise. Books teach us so many important lessons. Why then are so many books banned or challenged?

Censorship is defined as a person who examines books, movies, letters, etc., and removes things that are considered to be offensive, immoral, harmful to society, etc. by Merriam Webster. When a book is banned or challenged, it is subjectively selected as a material that could be harmful to its audience. Why is this problematic?

  1. It violates the writer's first amendment rights (i.e. our right to speak our minds freely without prosecution).
  2. Banning or challenging books is subjective ( meaning the decision is based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions). Every person can hold their own opinions on matters, but one person's opinion shouldn't determine whether or not a whole (or even select) population have the right to access information.
  3. In the same manner, everyone has a right to read and access information that they seek out. This helps us to be more informed as a society. While we may not agree with one perspective or the next, it is important to understand that perspective to gain our own. It does not matter your skin color, socio-economic status, or level of education. You have that right.
  4. You are an individual with your own special mix of taste. You should be able to select and read what speaks to you.
  5. Censorship projects a restricted view of the world. If a subject isn't allowed to be put forth, then the parts don't add up to 100%. Our viewpoint is limited and could also be incorrect.

There are so many books out there that appeal to all different kinds of people. Check out the list below and our displays in David J's and The Edge hallway. You might be surprised to see what books have been banned or challenged, and you could even find one you want to read.

Do you read banned books? I do, and I'm proud to say so.

Banned Books Week Teen Events

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