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Red Rain Red Rain

R.L. Stine: Not Just for Kids

Red RainTravel writer Lea Sutter’s next assignment was on the island of Cape Le Chat Noir- infamous from the legends of the island’s dark magic with the living dead. Though it doesn’t matter if the legends are true when a hurricane slams into the island just after Lea’s arrival. After the storm, Lea wanders the island horrified by the destruction, but in the midst of the disaster she finds two orphaned twin twelve year old boys who she decides to rescue and adopt.

The two boys readily return with Lea, but there is tension immediately from her husband, Mark, and her other two children. The boys seem innocent enough even when they chant “Rule the School”, but all is not as it appears because suddenly the neighborhood has multiple murders and the evidence points to Mark. Red Rain by R.L. Stine is his latest book which is for grown-ups, but still carries the author’s frightening touch as the twin’s disturbing plans unfold in this unknowing family. Stine is the author of the popular Goosebumps Series and Fear Street Series.


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