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What is redistricting and why does it matter?


Redistricting, or reapportionment, is the process by which state legislatures redraw political boundaries every 10 years following the U.S. Census. The United States Constitution and federal statutes require a federal census to be conducted every 10 years and require congressional districts to be reapportioned based on that census data.  Kansas law also requires the reapportionment of the state Senate districts, state House of Representative districts and Kansas school board districts based on the census information.

According to the state constitution, redistricting is to be completed in the second year after the federal census. Learn more from the Kansas Legislative Research Department "Introduction to Redistricting."

Populations shift over 10 yearsSource: Map showing counties in Kansas and population change 2010-2020Why is redistricting important?

Redistricting is vulnerable to gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is the intentional manipulation of the redistricting process by people in political power to keep or change political power.

This can happen in a number of ways including:

  • consolidating similar communities into one district, which gives that community only one representative in the legislature,
  • dividing similar community across districts and ensuring that the community is always the minority and less likely to be adequately represented by their representatives,
  •  manipulating the redistricting process to reduce the political power of a certain racial group,
  • drawing districts in a way to give an unfair advantage to one political party, group or incumbent,
  • reducing the competitiveness of districts, which can lead to depressed voter turnout when voters lose faith in their ability to effect change.

Who does the work of redistricting in Kansas?

Redistricting in Kansas is done through a legislative process that provides opportunity for public input. The Kansas Legislature is responsible for creating Kansas Congressional and state Legislative maps. You can see members of the House Committee on Redistricting and members of the Senate Committee on Redistricting.

The Kansas Redistricting Advisory Group is responsible for setting the Kansas redistricting process. You can see these committee members and read committee documents and testimony.

Read the Proposed Guidelines and Criteria for 2022 Kansas Congressional and State Legislative Redistricting.

Communities of interest are areas that share a common legislative concern or need. This 2 minute video from the League of Women Voters of Kansas encourages viewers to tell their legislators about their communities.

How do I participate?

The KS Fair Maps Coalition is a nonpartisan grassroots education and engagement effort by organizations and individuals who want to see an equitable redistricting process.

  • KS Fair Maps Coalition is leading a virtual training on how to get involved and share your story during the November Listening Tour

If you live in Topeka/Shawnee County, you're in Congressional District 2.

Resources to learn more about redistricting

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