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The Fault In Our Stars

Okay? OkaySo by now you all have at least heard of The Fault In Our Stars, right? Have you seen the movie but not read the book? Are you curious to know what people are thinking about it before jumping in? Well, look no further.

Our Teen Advisory Board (TAB) recently reviewed the book. Below you can read excerpts from their individual assessments to get a feeling for how you will like it. The average of the group’s ratings for The Fault In Our Stars was a 3.9 out of 5 stars. You might also notice that all of our TAB members are established, critically acclaimed writers at various…ahem…credited institutions.* There’s also Some Girl who ended up with a quote on that back cover. I’m not sure how. We hope you decide to read the book. Enjoy!

TFIOS Book Review FINALFour Out Of Five Stars

*All listed publications and book titles are completely fictional. While we have an exceptional and talented group of TAB members, none write for specific TAB publications, pen books about having to read books, or work at TAB universities. I’m pretty sure none of these things exist in real life.

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