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Tales, Tips and Tactics for Traveling the 7 Continents

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Michael Clinton began his journey to globetrotter status in his teens and has been to 122 different countries, some of them multiple times. Currently he is the president, marketing and publishing director of Hearst Magazines, so he has lots of opportunities to further his travel experiences. This is his sixth book and it has garnered many great reviews from the travel community. A self-described “history buff and outdoorsy-type,” he brings a buoyant, enthusiastic quality to his writing that is interesting and uplifting.

indiana-jonesThe book is divided into lots of essays about places, experiences and topics like whether to travel alone or in a group and what to do if you leave something on a plane. One of my favorites is “Excuse Me, Have You Seen Indiana Jones?” where he reveals his hero worship of the adventurous archeological professor and the inspiration for a trip to Peru. Another is "Long Iceland Days" where he describes a beautiful country as well as a trip to the volcano and the puffin islands. Besides the super travel tips he sprinkles throughout his stories, there are tips from other World-Class Globetrotters after each essay.
Iceland banner

Michael Clinton photo credit:

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