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One to Inspire: My Sister Dilly by Maureen Lang

My Sister Dilly by Maureen Lang is a thoughtful read that inspires through a powerful story of restoration following tragedy

book coverWhat happens when someone reaches the end of their rope while caring for a disabled child? In Dilly's case she did the unthinkable--she tried to take her own life. Her sister Hannah has one objective in mind: to give Dilly the help she failed to before so that Dilly will never do anything so drastic again. Dilly also has one thing that is important to her: to be allowed back into her daughter's life. Hannah picks Dilly up at the prison gates, thinking that she will be overjoyed to have her help. But when Dilly finds out that Hannah has given up her career, her life in LA, and even her best friend and romantic interest Mac to come take care of her she explodes with anger. Somehow, with the help of family, friends and faith these sisters each find their own way to restoration--with God, with their family, with their community, and with each other.

As Hannah and Dilly explore matters of faith, life, and even romance it's hard not to become involved in this moving story. Hannah's voice is particularly honest as she lays out all of her doubts and fears about Christianity. Mac's sudden conversion seemed kind of forced and convenient, but I still couldn't wait to find out if Mac and Hannah ended up together, and the vivid descriptions of life on a pig farm are still stuck in my head. It was certainly an enjoyable and memorable read.  Put this one on your reading list if you are a fan of though provoking Christian fiction with a touch of romance.

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