Lesson Plan: Line

Boy on Porch, Ben Shahn, Drawing
Boy on Porch
Ben Shahn
Pen, paper
TSCPL Permanent Collection
1st - 5th grade
- To learn about different types and quality of lines
- Learn to hatch and cross-hatch
- Develop skills drawing
- Types of lines –wavy, straight, zig-zag, long, short, dotted, dashed
- Line Quality – dark, light, thick, thin
- Hatching – closely spaced parallel lines; also used for shadows
- Cross hatching – two layers of hatching lines: second layer is at an angle to the first parallel lines; also used for shadows
- Pencils
- Paper
- Look at artwork and discuss:
- Think of a time that you spent an afternoon with another person.
- Draw this scene using only lines – outlines, different types and qualities of lines.
How many types of lines do you see?
How does the boy in the chair feel? How can you tell?
Who do you think is the child inside?
Where are they?
Do you have a brother or sister?
Try hatching and crosshatching to add shadows.
Talk about the artworks:
- What title would you give your artwork?
- What did you like best about making this artwork?
- What is most successful about your piece?
- What would you do differently next time?
- Participants should be able to use art terms.
- Participants should be able to explain how they used different types and qualities of lines in their composition.
KSDE Visual Art Standards
Speculate about processes an artist uses to create a work of art.
Experiment with various materials and tools to explore personal interests in a work of art or design