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Explore the Benefits of Letter Writing

This strange year has kept many of us apart from friends and family. Now would be a great time to write letters and cards to those we can't see in person. It can lift the spirits of the people we write to, keep relationships strong and help develop our literacy skills. Studies show writing by hand is good for brain development, mindfulness, stress relief and creativity. Step away from your device for a few minutes, pick up a pen and write a note to someone you care about.

Sometimes writing a letter can be a challenge, especially if it's been a long time since you've written someone. Fortunately there are many resources that can help you get started. I've highlighted my favorites.


Just a Note To Say by Florence Isaacs and Personal Notes by Sandra Lamb are great guides with tips and examples to get you started.

The Everything Writing Well Book by Pamela Rice Hahn covers a lot of aspects of writing. The  chapters on writing letters are particularly helpful.

What Should I Write on This Card series - Drawing a blank when you stare at an empty card? This series from Hoopla has great tips.
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The Art of Letter Writing course in Creativebug

For children a letter writing assignment is a practical way to develop their writing skills. Cecelia Minden has written a series of books on writing for children that is available on Hoopla. It includes Writing a Letter and Writing a Thank-You Letter among the entries. These are both very appropriate books for the holiday season.

Feeling fancy? The library's online Creativebug resource has a video course called "The Art of Letter Writing" that will show you how to make your envelopes look amazing. I wish I had been able to use this when I was addressing my wedding invitations!

Happy writing everyone!

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