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Welcome to the Library


Welcome to the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library! Congratulations on your new position. Our staff makes us the great library we are. We want you to feel valued, appreciated and rewarded for the excellent work you will do with us.


New Staff Orientation

Learn about the history of the library and obtain a better understanding of our mission and culture. During New Employee Orientation, you’ll discover programs and resources to help you enjoy your career at the library, as well as the many benefits available to staff members – like health and life insurance, retirement plans, paid time off and much more. Human Resources will be available to answer all your questions.

During the first weeks of employment your supervisor will do the following:

  1. Review a copy of your position description;
  2. Establish written performance appraisal goals on which you will be evaluated.
  3. Discuss job responsibilities, practices, performance expectations, policies and procedures, and employee review process.
  4. Ensure you receive appropriate orientation as outlined in the library onboarding polices and checklists.

Completing Your Onboarding Experience

A History of the Library

The library has a long history that dates back to the late 1800s. Over the years the library has moved, rebuilt and expanded. What has remained the same is our commitment to being a place of learning and providing equal access to all.

Our Bookmobiles More Than 75 Years on the Road

Bookmobile helps our library expand its reach. Bookmobiles carry a wide variety of books, movies, and music for all ages with an emphasis on popular fiction and non-fiction.

Friends of the Library

For more than 50 years, the Friends of the Library has strived to achieve a singular goal: aid the library by staying on the cutting edge of technology, services and programs. Since 1971, the Friends have donated more than $2 million to the library.

The Library Foundation

Is an independent not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization that secures private funding for the library. They do this by helping secure financial resources to support collections, programs, services, technology and library facilities.

Completing Your Onboarding Experience

New staff members will go through a year-long onboarding period. This begins upon hire and will continue through your first year. Throughout your onboarding period, your supervisor will:

  1. Meet with you regularly to discuss performance and provide constructive feedback as to whether you are meeting the expectations for the position. Your supervisor will determine if you need additional training and, if necessary, provide you a plan of improvement.
  2. Complete the appropriate trainings and checklist items.

Staff Identification Card

On your first day, your photo will be taken for your staff ID badge. You must wear your badge while at work. Your badge grants you access to non-public areas of the building.

Your Work Space

Your supervisor will have your computer and phone set up before you arrive on your first day. Additional training will be provided during your New Employee Orientation. You can also refer to the New Computer Orientation guide sheets. For additional assistance, contact digital services at or call the Help Desk at ext. 4600. There is a staff breakroom, which includes a refrigerator and microwave that you can use.

Dress Code

Appearance and dress reflect the library’s culture and customer service philosophy. Employees shall dress appropriately with these three things in mind:

  • Image: Professional and approachable
  • Identify: Easily recognized by customers
  • Safety: Dress appropriately for the specific job or task

A detailed dress code policy is outlined in the Employee Handbook. One important note: The library does not permit open toed or open heeled shoes.


Employees park in one of the two staff lots across 11th Street, between Garfield and Washburn Ave to the South of the library’s main parking lot. There are signs on the lots that are marked STAFF PARKING ONLY. A permit will be provided on your first day. You can park without a permit on your first day. Employees may also park in the small lot that is across Garfield Avenue, North of the apartment building.

Safety & Security

The library security team consists of uniformed library staff and part-time off-duty law enforcement officers. If you need assistance, contact Security at ext. 4500. You will receive information on safety and security procedures during your New Employee Orientation.

Policies & Procedures

Library polices can be found at

Staff Professional Development

The library is a LEARNING ORGANIZATION committed to offering employees a wide selection of training and professional development opportunities. Staff development helps to ensure the library maintains its focus on excellence in team leadership and dedicated service to its community, customers and partners. For more information refer to or contact Brenda Hough, Staff Development Coordinator or Kate Hughes, Training Professional.



Human Resources:

Jesse Maddox (Director) –; | (785) 580-4491
Brenda Hough (Staff Development Coordinator) – | (785) 580-4608
Felicia Hillebert (HR Supervisor) – | (785) 580-4492

Tagged with:  welcome |  new employee
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