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Gardening and the month of December

I know it is December and not much outdoor gardening can be done but I always look for gardening books. I was also looking because I  had a question about pruning. For me and for maybe for you, pruning can be tricky. Do I prune a certain plant now or in the spring or maybe even in the summer? Well, I found the perfect book. It is called Pruning plant by plant: How to prune more than 200 popular plants in our new books area of the library. It is a small book but for me that makes it much easier to use. The question that I got was when to prune their trumpet vine. Evidently, due to loss of moisture their trumpet vine had damage and they thought they should prune it back now. But according to this book, it says to prune a trumpet vine back late winter early spring. What is nice about this book too is that is shows you how to make the cuts of a specific plant. And in this instance, it gives an picture of where you should prune this trumpet vine. If you need any help with pruning, this might be the book for you.

And speaking of pruning, the K-State Extension agency has a calendar of what to do in your garden by each month of the year. You can find it here if you would like to look at it.

Or it is posted in the display area of the Lawn and Garden Neighborhood. Check out the display area of books you can check out and information that you can take with you. And be sure and look at the Lawn and Garden Neighborhood for any and all of your gardening needs.


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