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Cooking With Dr. Seuss

It was Friday, the last day of Spring Break. Parents and grandparents were looking for something for the kids to do. The Library just happened to have a program for kindergarteners through second graders at 3 pm, Cooking With Dr. Seuss. Since March is Dr. Seuss's birth month, using the cookbook, Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook seemed appropriate.

On the menu were Blueberry Bumplings and Moose Juice. The translation: Orange Julius and Blueberry Muffins. Each child was given an apron of their choice. Boys chose the puppies or frogs, the girls were more into bunnies and kitties.


These kids were making Moose Juice with orange juice, orange sherbet, vanilla extract and banana. They were learning to follow a recipe, measure ingredients and operate a blender. The result was a healthy drink to enjoy while their Blueberry Bumplings were baking.



These girls are measuring their dry ingredients to put in their bowl of egg, cream and oil. To make their Blueberry Bumplings they learned to crack an egg, measure liquids and dry ingredients and use a mixer.




Kyla, wearing the puppy apron, has mixed her blueberries into her bumpling batter and is filling her muffin cups. Each person put their name on the muffin cups so they could claim their muffins after they were baked. There were even muffins to share with family members



Under Kathy's supervision, all the eggs were cracked successfully. There were extra eggs available in case there was a catastrophe. Lena, Kathy and Gayle all agreed it was a fun, great program and are ready to do it again.

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