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Cloud Roads Cloud Roads

Martha Wells Latest Fantasy Creation

Cloud RoadsOrphaned when he was very young, Moon has been traveling between settlements trying to survive. Though he is an adult, it has not gotten any easier because of his secret- he can transform into a winged creature. This ability has always kept Moon apart from others, and he has no idea what kind of creature he really is until one day he meets someone just like him.

This someone is Stone, and Moon doesn’t know if he can trust him. Stone was looking for warriors to bring back to the Indigo Court when he discovered Moon and would like Moon to go back with him. The allure of finding the truth about himself and finally meeting others like him is too strong, and Moon returns with Stone.

Things are not well in Indigo Court and Moon is thrust into the middle of a struggle for power. To make matters worse the Fell, who destroy everything in their wake, are already at the court. Up to now Moon’s decisions only affected himself, but this time Moon could determine the very survival of the court. The Cloud Roads by Martha Wells is richly written fantasy with a world that is fascinating and inventive.


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