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Ghost Quartet Ghost Quartet

Ghost Stories for October from The Ghost Quartet

Ghost QuartetFour best-selling authors have applied their talents to the ghost story in The Ghost Quartet edited by Marvin Kaye. All the stories have ghosts with some bent on destruction while others are victims of fate, but beyond that each has its own disturbing story to tell.

Beginning with “The Place of Waiting” by Brian Lumley an artist on the lonely moors of Devon, England sees something he’s not supposed to. Unfortunately, the red-eyed apparition doesn’t let the artist go. Next is Orson Scott Card’s “Hamlet’s Father” with a new take and ending on Shakespeare’s tale of revenge and murder.

Marvin Kaye follows with “The Haunted Single Malt Scotch” a ghost story in the tradition of the classic stories of M. R. James, as the Jamesians, a group that meet weekly to tell their true tales of ghosts, find themselves in an actual haunting. The collection ends with “Strindberg’s Ghost Sonata” by Tanith Lee. This is a haunting story in an alternative fantasy Russia where a young man finds himself a prisoner of a house and a ghost.


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