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I didn't know the library had exercise equipment!


From weighted jump ropes to workout DVDs to a kettlebell, the library has exercise equipment for people who want to exercise but don't know where to start, or for anyone who wants to mix up their usual workout routine.

A KETTLEBELL with a kettlenetics DVD behind it

I have tried many types of workouts before and some were just not for me. I realized that I don't like using weights but I love cardio and watching videos with instructors for guidance during a workout.

It's good to find something that works best for YOU. The library makes it easy to check out exercise kits if you want to try something new! There's a pilates yoga kit, a cardio kit and more. Did I mention we have a kettlebell? I'm saying it again because it's THAT cool.

Let's revisit the benefits of exercise. According to the CDC, "Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage your weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities." (Benefits of Physical Activity,

I'm definitely going to try out the Fusion Fit Disc and DVD set kit. It comes with a 7 lb. weighted disc and The C3 Fusion Workout DVD. This is perfect for the cardio workout I've been wanting. I don't have to worry about searching for each item separately because it's all in a kit ready to go. It's as easy as checking out a book.

You can also listen to our fitness audiobooks that are great for motivation, diets and more. There's something for everyone! If you want to check your progress, you can use our digital scale in the Health Information Neighborhood.

It's never too late to begin or improve your fitness journey!

Check out our fitness kits:

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